TierlanTijn is a Dutch company that started off relatively small in a backyard shed, back in 1994. Together with some family members, friends and labourers, Paula Gelissen and her sons, Michel and Martijn, discovered a market for their artisanal products - thanks to plenty of experimentation. Gradually, the brothers focused more and more on designing and producing atmospheric lighting, turning Tierlantijn lighting into a true powerhouse.
Partly thanks to their participation in conventions both in the Netherlands and abroad, the company expanded to the extent where they had to move to a bigger location. This happened in 2000. By using rough, raw materials, entirely new collections were invented - for example, a fabulous indoor lighting series as well as a huge variety in outdoor lights. The lights of Tierlantijn gained their very own identity because of these innovative measures. You will have no difficulties recognising Tierlantijn lighting.
Tierlantijn recently introduced a new lighting series: Frezoli - entirely inspired by old-fashioned industrial lights. These unique, rough lights can also be found on LampsTotal. Typical for Tierlantijn lighting is the artisanal finish with an entirely rough, sleek look. At LampsTotal, we offer these lights by the Tierlantijn brand to people who are looking to purchase lights with an old-fashioned look. LampsTotal has categorised this brand of lights under the 'rustic lights' category. You can buy the Tierlantijn lighting online, or you can simply get some more inspiration by browsing through our range.
De producten in de categorie Tierlantijn worden onder onze klanten beoordeeld met een 2210 reviews en de prijs varieert van 180,99 tot 940,00. met