If you do not like the product you ordered, you can easily return it by filling in our return form. This can be done within fourteen days after having received your order. As soon as you have sent us the return form, we will provide you with further information in regard to the return process. You also need to send back the ordered product/ordered products within fourteen days, after you have told us you want to send them back. If this does not happen within the specified time, you will lose all rights on a return and refund. Please keep in mind not every single product is able to be returned - we do not accept the returning of specifically tailored products, such as engraved products or coated products. We will refund the full amount of your order back onto your bank account, within fourteen days after disbanding of the purchase contract, which takes place as soon as you inform us of you sending back items. You will receive an amount of money that includes the original delivery fees. You have to pay the fees for returning the items to us, yourself, as we do not cover these extra costs.
Products must be returned in their original packaging, or as original as possible. Please use protective packaging. Do you do more with your purchase than solely judging whether you want to keep the items? If you cause damage to the products, you will be held responsible as a customer for the possible devaluation and lessened value of the items, and we will not be able to refund you the entire amount of money.
In order to process this as fast as possible, we advise you to return the product, the return form (the one you have received from our customer service) and a copy of the order confirmation or order picking when you send items back.
The port costs for the return delivery are to be paid by you, the customer. All other costs will of course be refunded by us, onto your account. Are you opting to receive a replacement product that suits your wishes better, we will deduct these costs from the amount of money you have already paid. Do you want to get back the money for the entire purchase? In that case you will get your refund in your bank account within fourteen days of informing us of the return process being initiated.
If you want to swap a product or an entire order, you can follow the abovementioned procedure. Of course we would like to hear what product you would swap your items with. Have you got questions in regard to this? We would love to help you out and answer these questions by telephone or email. Return address:
LampsTotal Warehousing
Tolsestraat 6
4043KB Opheusden
The Netherlands
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