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Thanks to our secured HTTPS structure, in which the 's' stands for 'secure', you are certain to be able to shop safely and without any restraints, anywhere on the LampsTotal website. To guarantee your safety and privacy time after time, we make use of the most recent knowledge and experience in regard to internet safety. Our web shop exclusively uses acknowledged, secure payment methods such as PayPal, AfterPay, MasterCard, VISA and Cirrus. This is why we have been a trusted seller for several decades.


Your privacy is guaranteed at LampsTotal. This means we will never use your data or sell them for commercial purposes. You can click here to find out more information about our privacy policy.

E-commerce Europe Trustmark.

Since September 2015, all 'Trustmark' members are also automatically provided with the E-Commerce Europe Trust mark. This indicates LampsTotal meets the standards set by all European laws and rules. The goal of the E-commerce Europe Trust mark is stimulating international sales by protecting both sellers and buyers.


More information about our general terms and conditions, and the trust mark, can be found here.