This category was especially designed for people who already know which rooms of their home need lighting, but are yet unsure about what type or model. It speaks for itself that kitchens use different lighting than for example living rooms. Bathrooms require lighting with a higher IP value, and above a dining table you’ll want a different type of light than in a reading corner. LampsTotal has neatly categorised these different types of lighting in following categories: bathroom lighting, kitchen lighting, nursery lights, children’s room lights and bedroom lights.
Do you wish to compose the lighting in your home? It’s a good idea to determine what kind of lighting you will need in which room. Lighting in bathrooms, showers and kitchens will require a higher IP value, mainly because of safety concerns. Lighting in bedrooms or children’s rooms are focussed on creating a certain atmosphere, whilst living room lighting needs to be functional. Think about the different aspects that are of importance to you and your family, in order to find the right lighting per room, and be able to enjoy it to the fullest after your purchase.
You can buy lighting per room by starting from the main goal you have in mind. Are you going for a functional kind of lighting, lighting with the right atmospheric value, or other aspects? Next, choose the style you fancy, and pick your favourite lighting options per room, so you have the right type of lights in your living room, shower, bathroom, kitchen and even your office area.
De producten in de categorie Lighting per room worden onder onze klanten beoordeeld met een 2210 reviews en de prijs varieert van 4,97 tot 4064,97. met